Free access to online legislation ia a federation: Achievements of Australian Governments and issues remaining


  • Michael Rubacki Independent


online access to law, legal publishing, government publishing


The paper explores the development of government provision of online access to legislation in Australia, including technologies used in the drafting/publishing process. It focuses on the more recent developments such as the use of websites as part of the actual legislative process and the near complete demise of paper products. It looks at the conflicts that arise in balancing continuing demands for traditional print-like products and developing more effecrtive online services, and the elusiveness of more collaborative nationwide approaches.

Author Biography

  • Michael Rubacki, Independent
    Michael Rubacki has worked in legal publishing for over 30 years, mainly in the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office where he was Director of Legislative Services and Publishing until 2009. He now works as a consultant and has been involved with access to legislation projects in a number of Australian jurisdictions and with aid projects in the Pacific.   






Open government data and its applications