Citizen Science for Citizen Access to Law


  • Michael Curtotti Research School of Computer Science, Australian National University
  • Wayne Weibel Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School
  • Eric McCreath Research School of Computer Science, Australian National University
  • Nicolas Ceynowa Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School
  • Sara Frug Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School
  • Tom R Bruce Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School


readability, legislation, legal informatics, corpus linguistics, machine learning, natural language processing, readability metrics, cloze testing, crowdsourcing, citizen science


This papers sits at the intersection of citizen access to law, legal informatics and plain language. The paper reports the results of a joint project of the Cornell University Legal Information Institute and the Australian National University which collected thousands of crowdsourced assessments of the readability of law through the Cornell LII site. The aim of the project is to enhance accuracy in the prediction of the readability of legal sentences. The study requested readers on legislative pages of the LII site to rate passages from the United States Code and the Code of Federal Regulations and other texts for readability and other characteristics. The research provides insight into who uses legal rules and how they do so. The study enables conclusions to be drawn as to the current readability of law and spread of readability among legal rules. The research is intended to enable the creation of a dataset of legal rules labelled by human judges as to readability. Such a dataset, in combination with machine learning, will assist in identifying factors in legal language which impede readability and access for citizens. As far as we are aware, this research is the largest ever study of readability and usability of legal language and the first research which has applied crowdsourcing to such an investigation. The research is an example of the possibilities open for enhancing access to law through engagement of end users in the online legal publishing environment for enhancement of legal accessibility and through collaboration between legal publishers and researchers.

Author Biographies

  • Michael Curtotti, Research School of Computer Science, Australian National University
    PhD Researcher
  • Wayne Weibel, Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School
    Interface Developer
  • Eric McCreath, Research School of Computer Science, Australian National University
    Senior Lecturer
  • Nicolas Ceynowa, Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School
    System Administrator
  • Sara Frug, Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School
    Associate Director for Technology
  • Tom R Bruce, Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School


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Data organization and legal informatics