Preliminary Notes on Open Data Licensing
IPRs, copyright, copyleft, open data, right expression languageAbstract
Open data is fuel for the future economy. Opening and sharing data owned by public bodies, communities and companies has an incredible economic value. This will potentially lead our society to a new data-driven thinking paradigm. They also enable a smarter urban space where companies can provide better and innovative services. In particular, accessing to government data held by public bodies generates accountability, transparency and fosters economic growth. Two main aspects define data as open: data formats and licenses. This paper aims at listing some preliminary notes on the copyright framework in which open data are released and presenting the idea of considering licenses as metadata. Many tools, according to the semantic web paradigm, aim at enforcing this aspect, managing data exchange in a more compliance way and reducing costs for reuse of data. Finally, a research path for a new approach to digital ownership will be presented.
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