Development of applications for open data for Japanese laws and regulations


  • Makoto Nakamura Niigata Institute of Technology


Japan's e-legislation system, e-LAWS, began operating in 2016. This allows the drafting and publication of laws and regulations to be done electronically, whereas previously they were done on paper. One of the most important technologies supporting e-LAWS is the Japanese Legal Standard XML Schema, which is tailored to Japanese laws and regulations. The launch of e-LAWS has made it possible to share Japanese laws and regulations as open data. Our purpose in this study is to provide Akoma Ntoso applications for Japanese law data. As a result of our project in progress, we have confirmed that some applications work with the Japanese law data. This is expected to facilitate not only the use of Japanese law data by everyone, but also sharing with legal data around the world.

Author Biography

  • Makoto Nakamura, Niigata Institute of Technology

    Makoto Nakamura received his Ph.D. degree in Information Science from JAIST in 2004. He held various
    positions as Assistant Professor at JAIST (2004-2011) and Designated Assistant Professor (2011-2016)
    and Designated Associate Professor (2016-2018) at Japan Legal Information Institute, Graduate School
    of Law, Nagoya University, before joining Faculty of Engineering, Niigata Institute of Technology as
    Associate Professor (2018-2021). He is currently Professor at Faculty of Engineering, Niigata
    Institute of Technology. He has been a scientific committee member of Law via the Internet
    Conference since 2016 and a steering committee member of International Workshop on Juris-Informatics
    (JURISIN) since 2009, and held a number of Co-Chairs of JURISIN. His research interests include
    natural language processing for legal texts and simulation of language evolution. He is a member of
    the ANLP, the IPSJ, the JCSS and the JSAI.





